皇冠体育官网’s Empty Bowls returns Friday, January 24, to the Middlebrooks Athletic Center. Empty Bowls is a special project that combines art, service, and basketball. Taking place during 皇冠体育官网’s basketball game against Mount de Sales, Empty Bowls is a special annual event that raises money for local agencies that care for Macon’s homeless population.

During the event, parents and students are invited to shop a collection of plates, bowls, vases, and other pieces of pottery that have been made by 皇冠体育官网’s middle and high school artists. Homemade soups and breads will also be available for sale with options for “to go” boxes to take home.

All proceeds will be donated to local service organizations. Families are encouraged to take their purchased bowls home, leave it on their table, and pray for those who have empty bowls.